Packaging consists of primary packaging for a product individually, secondary packaging for a case of the product and tertiary packaging for shipping and handling of the product. Packaging is an important aspect at any stage of production or manufacturing. Product compliance is applicable to not just the product itself but also to the packaging materials used to protect and display the product. To meet environmental and climate targets, importers and exporters must be aware about product packaging material regulations.
The European Packaging Directive was formed with the goal of protecting the environment and minimizing the presence of certain metals in packaging. The EU packaging directive aims at reducing pollution and damage caused by unnecessary packaging waste. The directive ensures that international standards for packaging and packaging waste remain uniform and environment friendly across the industry. The EU Packaging Directive 94/62/EC explains that packaging volume and weight must be of the lowest to maintain safety, hygiene and acceptance of the product. As per the directive, the packaging material should consist of components that can be reused or recycled. The basic requirements for all packaging are based on consumer acceptance, hygiene relevant properties, safety related properties and the lowest weight and volume of the material.
The EU directives suggest that packaging materials must be manufactured with the purpose in mind that they must be reused or recovered when packaging waste is disposed of. Recovery means recycling of packaging materials, separate composting of biodegradable packaging, etc. The purpose of EU packaging directive is to create awareness and increase responsibility to minimize the use of noxious and hazardous substances in packaging when it is incinerated or disposed of. Packaging testing services help you identify the requirements specific to your products including requirements for registration, recycling, etc. and assist companies meet the packaging and packaging waste compliance requirements.
We offer a wide variety of comprehensive range of tests to certify that your packaging complies with current packaging requirements. Our services extend to consulting and support, implementation of recycling systems, identification of reporting requirements and meeting packaging compliance requirements. We test packaging materials and components including inks, dyes, adhesives, glues, pigments, films, paints, coatings, metals, etc. A few of the tests conducted by our team of experts are:
A major portion of the world’s plastic waste consists of packaging and packaging materials. European Packaging Directive offers guidance for the production of packaging and insists companies to concentrate on environmentally-friendly materials.