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Metal & Alloys


The science and study of metals is known as metallurgy. Metallurgical testing is used in every industry and refers to inspections and examinations conducted on a metal to verify its chemical and mechanical properties prior to any physical manipulation performed on the metal like bending or shaping. Metallurgical testing involves identification of material type, defects and processing errors to obtain information about the microstructure of metal and alloy samples.

Metallurgical testing helps to determine a metal’s suitability for a particular application or to decide whether it conforms to the required specification. Metallurgical analysis reveals the processes performed on the material during its manufacture and whether the material meets the necessary standards and directives. This is also part of quality assurance programs and covers a wide range of services. The material is subjected to melting, cooling, macro, micro and SEM examination, from grain size analysis to fractography, using a variety of techniques and equipment.


  • Helps in providing certifications and supports companies to be compliant with the quality requirements mandated by the government agencies.
  • Assists in choosing appropriate materials and treatments for an application.
  • Ensures the product or component is fit for use and helps to improve product specifications if required.
  • Verifies you received the same metal as promised by the supplier.
  • Aids in decision making by understanding the condition and composition of the material and thereby avoiding future failure.
  • Increases reliability of products and brand value of the manufacturer.


Along with quality assurance, we offer an extensive range of on-site and off-site services using cutting-edge technology in accordance with the industry specifications.

  • Sample preparation: Also known as metallurgical specimen reparation and involves documentation, sectioning and precision cutting, mounting, thermoset and thermoplastic mounting, planar grinding, polishing and etching when required.
  • Microscopic examination: Uses Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) or a high-powered optical microscopic equipment to search for characteristics of a material and involves plating and coating thickness, intergranular corrosion, sensitization, surface contamination, etc.
  • Macroscopic examination: Performed typically on finished products or treated metals using little to no magnification and focuses on outward characteristics of metals that are detectable by the naked eye. Evaluates the quality by checking grain flow, weld qualification, surface condition and finish and etching.
  • Microhardness testing: Determines a material’s hardness or resistance to penetration using Knoop and Vickers methods, carburization and decarburization, etc.
  • Additional services: Failure analysis, digital imaging, welder and procedure qualification, support in R&D, assistance with imported material verification, etc., are a few of our added services.