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Chemical Composition Analysis Of Metals And Alloys

Chemical composition analysis helps in determining the quality, chemical structures and concentrations of a material and assists in chemical problem solving. Accurate identification of chemical composition of metals and alloys is critical in every stage of production. Determining the specific chemical composition of materials is extremely important to aid in product development and innovative product design.

Chemical composition analysis involves application of multiple analytical methods to understand the composition, characteristics and quality of products. Understanding chemical composition helps in problem solving, ensures the quality of a chemical formulation of a material and supports Research and Development. Procuring reliable impurity profiles assists with product development, which helps to resolve manufacturing issues, if any.

Why is chemical composition analysis important?

  • To assist with product development and to improve product specifications if needed.
  • To obtain reliable impurity profiles and to resolve manufacturing errors.
  • To understand the performance and quality of a product.
  • To ensure a product is fit to use and to help in decision making.
  • Services Provided

  • Chemical trace analysis
  • Elemental trace analysis
  • Material analysis and testing
  • Petroleum analysis
  • Mineral assay and testing
  • Reverse engineering and formulation
  • Failure analysis
  • Contamination analysis
  • Petrochemicals testing
  • Polymer chemical testing
  • REACH testing services
  • To provide chemical composition analysis, we apply total quality assurance expertise and offer services to a wide range of industry sectors. Our chemical analysis laboratories test sample materials including chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices, polymers, packaging materials and consumer products. According to the client’s requirements and the industry within which they operate, we develop and enhance analytical methods to test metals and alloys for chemical composition and impurities. Also, via the deformulation process, chemical composition analysis identifies unknown substances and quantifies them.